Joined Up Writing Vs Cursive
I did some searches and came up with some interesting titles but nothing that truly answered the question of whether cursive or print was actually easier or better to start with. There is not a lot of evidenced based research articles on the benefits of cursive handwriting or cursive vs. Cursive Wikipedia It turns out the most recent research finds cursive is much much harder for most dyslexic children than print handwriting. Joined up writing vs cursive . Teaching children to write by hand seems to have some advantages that typing on a keyboard does not. The reason is there s a lot more to think about. By the 19th century cursive handwriting was considered a mark of good education and character. Teaching of manuscript lettering not joined up only began in the united states in the 1920s to some controversy. There are lots of different handwriting fonts to choose from which follow on from cursive with lead ins and precursive styles. Do we need to teach children joined up ha...